
Sustainability Policy

Health, Safety, Environment and Community

Arika Resources (ASX:ARI) aspires to Zero Harm to our employees, the community and the environment through promoting and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and striving to achieve leading industry practice.
Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) is an integral part of Arika’s values and management systems and performance of all employees will be assessed and considered in all appointment, promotion and disciplinary decisions.

This policy has been developed to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with relevant legislation and will be reviewed to continually improve our performance. Arika will ensure resources are made available to implement the policy.

The objectives of the Sustainability Policy are to

  • Demonstrate the commitment of the board of directors and senior management to striving for Zero Harm in all Arika activities;
  • Prevent workplace accidents, disease and damage to the environment or communities in which we operate;
  • Ensure appropriate management systems are implemented and maintained at all sites;
  • Encourage a culture of positive responsibility in all employees and contractors toward their own safety and the safety of others and continual improvements through open reporting and thorough investigation of root causes of incidents and accidents to prevent recurrences;
  • Establish and maintain suitable programs to meet the policy objectives.

To achieve this we will

  • Implement and maintain work practices which are safe and reduce the risk to health of our employees, the environment and the community
  • Provide training, re-training, information, instruction and supervision for all employees to enable them to perform their work safely;
  • Ensure contractors adopt and implement HSEC standards at least equal to those of Arika at our sites
  • Identify, assess and manage risks and hazards to employees, contractors, the environment and our host communities;
  • Set and achieve performance targets and continual improvement year on year
  • Ensure business activities uphold ethical standards and fundamental human rights including respect for indigenous culture and heritage
  • Encourage diversity in our workforce and provide an environment of mutual trust and respect where employees can realise their potential;
  • Ensure all employees are aligned with our Zero Harm aspirations and take their HSEC performance into account when considering promotion.

Arika will strive for excellence in safety management and firmly believes a safe and healthy work environment will deliver value to all stakeholders.

On behalf of the Arika Board:
Justin Barton
Managing Director