
Charter Of The Sustainability Committee


The purpose of this charter is to set out the responsibilities and functions of the Sustainability Committee.

Note: Given the current size and nature of the Company’s activities and its Board, the duties that would ordinarily be assigned to the Sustainability Committee are currently being carried out by the full Board.

Responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for satisfying itself that effective measures, systems and controls are in place in relation to:

  • Health, Safety, Environment and Community and other sustainability issues that may have material strategic business and reputational implications for Arika Resources and its stakeholders;
  • Significant Health, safety, environment and community incidents; and
  • Reporting by Arika Resources in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative sustainability reporting guidelines or suck other reporting standard approved by the board of directors
  • The Sustainability Committee will report to the board of directors on a regular basis in relation to the discharge of its responsibilities.

Sustainability Committee Structure

The Sustainability Committee shall have the following structure:

  • The Chairman of the Sustainability Committee will be a Non-Executive Director;
  • The other member of the Sustainability Committee will be another Non-Executive Director
  • The Managing Director or Sustainability Manager will attend meetings of the Sustainability Committee as required by the Chairman;
  • A quorum will require both Non-Executive Directors to be present; and
  • The Company Secretary will be the secretary of the Sustainability Committee


In carrying out its duties, the Sustainability Committee shall have authority to:

  • Discuss directly with management, auditors and consultants any issue within its scope of responsibility;
  • Request reports, explanations and information in relation to any activities of Arika Resources; and
  • Obtain external legal or other professional advice as its considers necessary to discharge its responsibilities

Annual Review

The Sustainability Committee will review this charter on an annual basis for relevance and best practice and submit any proposed amendments to the board of directors for approval.